Wind Down with Just Enough Wines

Wind Down with Just Enough Wines

The air is starting to get crisp and the leaves are shifting colors which means fall is finally upon us. To us, fall is the coziest season, and the best time to take a breather as we ease into the holiday season.

So power down your laptop, kick off your shoes, and nestle into your favorite couch corner. A little R&R goes a long way, and if you’re like us, you’re always searching for imaginative ways to improve your evening relaxation routine. 


Meet our three leisure muses: 

  1. Karina Lameraner - an Art Director & Content Creator based in San Francisco
  2. Rachel Willingham- a Model & Marketing Consultant based in Basking Ridge, New Jersey
  3. Stephen Koch -an Operations Consultant based in Chicago

For our leisure muses, rituals are a key component of an evening routine. Here is how they implement them on a daily basis. 


Q1:  What is your Evening Routine?

Karina: "I love to cook. After a long day, I love getting in the kitchen and whipping up something seasonal, easy and delicious."

Rachel: "I have two young boys (4 years and 3 months), so my evenings are HECTIC. Because my husband is a football coach and we are in season, it's just me and the boys for dinner and bedtime so I am juggling a lot up until the moment they're both asleep around 8:30pm. Then I usually give myself an hour to read, ride our Peloton, clean, or do something creative (along with a glass of wine!)

Stephen: "A quick trip to the gym, cook dinner at home, and then throw on some TV or read a book with a nice glass of wine."


Q2: Which Just Enough Wines varietal is your go-to for winding down after a long day?

Karina: "I adore Just Enough’s Pinot Noir. It’s the perfect blend to help me ease into my evening! (It’s also the perfect size for a little pre-dinner nosh)."

Rachel: "I am a big fan of the Brut Bubbles for all occasions! I am a firm believer in celebrating life all the time, rather than only on big occasions. The Brut is perfect, especially when I just want one glass but don't want to open a whole bottle that will go to waste." 

Stephen: "The Pinot Noir or Red Blend depending on what I make for dinner! I usually pair the Pinot with grilled chicken and pasta with a red sauce. For the Red Blend I love pairing it with beef or pork tacos."


Q3: What's your favorite after-work music playlist, TV series, or book?

Karina: "While I cook, I usually put on a playlist. Right now I’ve been jamming to this one on repeat!"

Rachel: "I try to keep the energy high and happy when I'm in the kitchen/playroom with the boys in the evening, so there is a lot of 90s hip hop, pop and Broadway – anything we can sing and dance to! Then when it's just me in the evening, I like to have the house quiet while I read. Right now I'm reading In and Out of Vogue, the memoir of ex-Editor in Chief of Vogue, Grace Mirabella."

Stephen: "Currently my show is House of the Dragon if I'm not caught up from the latest Sunday episode. I am also reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir."


Q4: Why is it important to you to have an evening wind-down routine?

Karina: "I think it's incredibly important to mark the passing of time with impactful rituals that you enjoy. For me, this means lighting a candle, turning on a playlist and whipping up dinner (while sipping a great pinot). Having this wind-down routine allows me to slow down and appreciate life’s simple pleasures."

Rachel: "As a working mom, every waking moment of my days are dedicated to something other than me, whether it is client work, changing diapers, or driving my oldest to school and soccer. So it is crucial for me to get even just a little bit of time for me so that I can be reminded that Rachel is still in there under the guises of mom and wife."

Stephen: "I think it is important to get my mind off the stressors that come during my work day by engaging in activities that aren't in front of my computer and make me feel relaxed (outside of the workout)."


Q5: Any tips on creating an evening routine?

Karina: "Do something that you love. Keep it simple. Let it be something you look forward to during the day–and something that encourages you to nourish yourself in all senses of the word."

Rachel: "I think what's so important is to be flexible and do what's right for you (and your family) that day. Sometimes when I get stressed about being "off our routine" I remind myself that we aren't robots and that it's okay to vary your evening based on what the day was like or what mood everyone is in. Just give yourself some grace, and make time for you!"

Stephen: "Thinking about what activities you want to be a part of your routine and prioritizing the one that requires the most energy or coordination first. Also starting with just one or two easy parts to a routine and then adding more once the routine feels consistent."